I received this galley in consideration for an honest review.

Series: The Lynburn Legacy #3
Published by Random House on September 23, 2014
Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal

Kami has lost the boy she loves, is tied to a boy she does not, and faces an enemy more powerful than ever before. With Jared missing for months and presumed dead, Kami must rely on her new magical link with Ash for the strength to face the evil spreading through her town. Rob Lynburn is now the master of Sorry-in-the-Vale, and he demands a death. Kami will use every tool at her disposal to stop him. Together with Rusty, Angela, and Holly, she uncovers a secret that might be the key to saving the town. But with knowledge comes responsibility—and a painful choice. A choice that will risk not only Kami’s life, but also the lives of those she loves most.
It was with great trepidation that I picked up Unmade, the last in the Lynburn series. Oh, book series that has been the bringer of such glorious pain! How can I say goodbye? How will Sarah Rees Brennan find ways to torture her readers as this series ends? She finds ways, y’all, oh yes she does. Unmade was an almost perfect combination of emotional torture, witty dialogue, and heart-pounding action. It brought together characters that I shipped, characters that I didn’t ship, and, as a bonus, some people really got what was coming to them. As always, I remained completely in love with Kami. Her wit and humor, her strength and absolute determination are just a few of the characteristics that make her one of my favorite heroines ever.
There was loss and death in this book, and, yes, it was painful. Even though I knew there had to be some in this book, it still caught me by surprise. It was not meaningless death, though, even if it did make my heart break more than a little. It’s no secret that I love this series, but I am telling you, dear readers, that if you haven’t read these books, you must. You must. They are smart, funny, scary, emotional, and brilliant. They tell an entertaining story about magical fights, yet the themes of family and sacrifice transcend any of the fantasy elements. The girls are amazing, the boys are swoony, and the bad guys are fabulously bad. Kami is the magical, English twin of Veronica Mars. She is everything I ever wanted in a main character and if you only need one reason to read these books, let it be Kami Glass. The question everyone will ask, though, is how painful is it, exactly? I can’t really answer that since pain is such an individual thing. There is only one way to find out and it involves buying this book.
Will there be pain? Yes. Will you like it? Absolutely.
I don’t think my body is ready for this one! Death and even MORE pain?
I’m trusting that Sara didn’t touch one hair on Jared’s head!
Amber Elise @Du Livre
I think my favorite part of this review is that certain people get what’s coming to them. I have serious grudges against two characters in particular. Can’t wait to read this!
If I must then I will! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
The glorious pain sounds like something that I could get into
Aw, glad you enjoyed this one so much. It’s great when a series has an ending that makes people happy. And yes, evil people MUST get what is coming to them in books because that doesn’t always happen in real life.
Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics
Okay you convinced me to give this series a try! Witty,brilliant, and will torture me but I’ll love it? Ha how can I say no to that? Kami sounds awesome.
I need this book!! I’m so happy to see you loved it and that it was a perfect blend of emotions. I’m scared to see it end but happy you enjoyed it.
Wow, all this PAIN I keep hearing about! I received this for review recently, so it means I need to try to read book two soon. 5 birds for a series ender, though…that’s amazing.
Wendy @ The Midnight Garden