It was with great trepidation that I picked up Unmade, the last in the Lynburn series. Oh, book series that has been the bringer of such glorious pain! How can I say goodbye? How will Sarah Rees Brennan find ways to torture her readers as this series ends? She finds ways, y’all, oh […]
Author: Sarah Rees Brennan
Sarah Rees Brennan is Irish and currently lives in Dublin. For a short stint, she lived in New York and became involved with a wide circle of writers who encouraged and supported her, including Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. She has developed a wide audience through her popular blog,, where she writes movie parodies, book reviews and some stories.
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Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan
“Kami had never been like other people. She had never had to cry herself to sleep alone. It was overwhelming to realize that there was not going to be any comfort ever again. She was going to spend the rest of her life living the way other people did, in terrible everyday loneliness, […]
Unspoken By Sarah Rees Brennan
There is nothing better than a smart, funny heroine who likes to solve mysteries and Unspoken delivers a story that has all that and much more. From the start of the story, you know that there is definitely something not right about the Lynburns, but you don’t know exactly what it is. That mystery […]