All I had to hear was “the narrator is a ghost” and I was very excited about reading this book. Laura Ruby books are always unique, but never to be missed. Thirteen Doorways was a read-in-one-sitting, give-you-a-hangover type book. Frankie, like many kids in the Depression era, was dropped off at an orphanage with her […]
Category: Young Adult
Blog Tour: Hope And Other Punchlines
September 11th has been written about in YA before, but I really loved how it was examined in Hope and Other Punchlines. I was twenty -five and teaching elementary school on that terrible day and I remember very well the feeling that the world we live in was forever changed for the kids who looked […]
Blog Tour: We Hunt The Flame
I have been very, very excited about this book for a long time and it did not disappoint! Just reading the plot on the jacket copy will draw you in, I promise, and though it is a world that is not safe and is full of danger, you will still want to remain. We Hunt […]
Blog Tour: Dig
I haven’t read all of A.S. King’s books, but I have read enough to see that although they are all very different, there is a similar feel to then, as well. I expect to feel the story deeply, and with Dig that was certainly the case. It’s a dark book, overall, and a story […]
King Of Scars By Leigh Bardugo
I don’t know what it is about this world, but I was so happy to be back in it again. It wasn’t just the return of old friends and the sense of “checking in” to see how they are, but the desire I had to see how Ravka would recover from the Darkling’s horrible influence. […]
Ex Libris Audio: Onyx & Ivory
I loved Mindee Arnett’s sci-fi duology, but for some reason I hadn’t gotten around to reading Onyx & Ivory. Well, that is a shame because I really enjoyed this audio book! I’ve always loved the disgraced heroine returns trope and this one was just that with some really sweet an emotional romance thrown in. Kate, […]
Blog Tour + Giveaway: The Reckoning of Noah Shaw
This book contains subjects relating to suicide, depression,and self-harm. Overall, I am just a big fan of this series and this world. I remember reading the first Mara Dyer book and it really grabbed my attention. Part of that reason, of course, was Noah. I wasn’t always sure how I felt about him because he […]
Ex Libris Audio: Two Dark Reigns
If you have not read books one and two, this review contains spoilers. I didn’t realize how much I missed Fennbirn Island until I was able to jump back in. At the end of book two, everyone fled and seemed to go different directions. Jules hid on […]
Blog Tour: The Belles
The Belles has been a much-hyped book and I have to say, I think it’s warranted. I haven’t felt this excited about a series in a long time. Everything about the story came together in a compelling book that provided food for thought and some surprising twists and turns. First, I’d like to talk about […]
Turn It Up By Jen Calonita
A lesson that I have learned again and again in my life is that, when it comes to groups or teams, you are stronger together. This goes for friendships, romantic relationship, or even politics! In Turn It Up, I saw this theme reappear with a story about two girls whose friendship becomes fractured and one […]