I received this galley in consideration for an honest review.

Series: Throne Of Glass #3
Published by Bloomsbury on September 2, 2014
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy

Celaena Sardothien has survived deadly contests and shattering heartbreak—but at an unspeakable cost. Now she must travel to a new land to confront her darkest truth...a truth about her heritage that could change her life—and her future—forever.
Meanwhile, brutal and monstrous forces are gathering on the horizon, intent on enslaving her world. To defeat them, Celaena must find the strength to not only fight her inner demons but to battle the evil that is about to be unleashed.
The revelation about Celaena at the end of book two serves to sever many of the bonds she made in the first two books, but it also sets in motion a journey that she was going to have to take sooner or later. One of the strongest aspects of this series has always been the rich language and the world building, and Heir Of Fire did no disappoint. I felt like I never left this world, and I was immediately pulled back in to the romance, the bloodshed and the incredibly well-paced story. The world of the Fae is brutal and beautiful, and her Fae-queen aunt is as scary as they come. While Celaena left dear friends behind, she is able to make new ones and I loved the way she created a rag-tag little family that stood behind her, even when she didn’t want them to.
There are basically three different stories going on in this book. Celaena continues her quest to find her true self and train for her ultimate goal, Chaol and Dorian remain in Adarlan, and then there is a third story line involving a group of witches who are gathering forces for something truly dark. While I really enjoyed the romance in book two, I think that the character development in this book really hit its stride, especially where Celaena was concerned. I felt like I understood her more as a fully formed character, not just a killing machine. Even better, she deals with the pain that has been destroying her for so long. One of the most intriguing things about this book was her friendship with Rowen, a Fae warrior sent to train her. In many ways they are both broken, and it was gratifying to read about a true and deep friendship like theirs. On the other side of the story, Chaol and Dorian are still reeling from Celaena’s departure and what it means for Adarlan. The King really takes the evil up a notch in this book, and I have to say I am hoping that he dies a horrible death in the next book because he definitely deserves it. The risks that both Chaol and Dorian take to try to free Adarlan were truly gripping and the consequences were pretty horrifying. Even with their new allies, things are probably going to get worse before they get better. Heir Of Fire was another strong book in the Throne of Glass series. It going to be a long wait for book four!
I agree that the wait for the next book is gonna be horribly long, as it was for this one!!
I adored how fantastic the world building continues to be in the series and how it grows and grows and instead of being overwhelming you just keep on wanting more!
The character development was impressive and Sarah managed to introduce characters mid series and make us care for them as deeply as for those we already knew and loved!
And yes, Dorian’s father cannot die soon enough for my taste!
yesss to all of this. i can’t wait for book four. NEXT YEAR AHHH.
I had a bit of hard time adjusting to the POVs but loved the last half
I loved this book SO much! So happy to hear you did too. i adored Celeana and Rowan’s relationship and though it was very intense, it never really felt romantic to me and I appreciated that. Also loved Manon’s story. You’re so right, the wait for the next book is going to be impossible! Lovely review 🙂
I loved this one so much! I will say it’s even my favorite of the series and I can’t wait to see where Maas goes with the next book.
I totally loved this book!!
I just loved, loved, LOVED Heir of Fire. It’s a seriously amazing addition to an already wonderful series – and I just can’t wait for more! Totally agree about the excellent character development in this one, and look forward to more time with them all.