I received this galley in consideration for an honest review.

Series: Worldwalker #2
Published by Macmillan on September 1, 2015
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Science Fiction

"You think I’m a monster, but my choices, as ruthless as they seem, are justified." Lily is back in her own universe, and she's ready to start a new life with Rowan by her side. True, she almost died in the Pyre that fueled their escape from New Salem, and must hide her magic for the safety of everyone she cares about, but compared to fighting the Woven, the monstrous creatures inhabiting the alternate Salem, life is looking pretty good. Unfortunately, Lillian, ruthless ruler of the 13 Cities, is not willing to let Lily go that easily. If she can’t persuade Lily to return to her world, she will force her to come back by doing away with the ones she loves.
When we left Lily, she was burning herself on a pyre so that she and Rowan could escape the dangers of the other Salem. Much of Firewalker was spent trying to build Lily’s army, or at least decide what to do, in her world. I really loved seeing Rowan and Lily in the modern world and it gave some perspective between the two worlds; one still primitive by today’s standards and one (our world) that had forgotten its magic. Rowan was as patient and swoony as ever, although his motivations still seemed mysterious to me, at times. Lily’s disappearance was not unnoticed, so there were some tense moments as they dealt with the consequences of Lily’s world-jumping. The presence of Lillian is never far away and I was really glad that we finally found out some of the missing pieces from Lillian and Rowan’s previous relationship, although the truth was pretty devastating
We are introduced to some new characters in Firewalker and by the end of the story, I was very attached to them. They gave Lily much needed emotional strength and grounded her as she faced her next seemingly impossible task. The pace picked up toward to the end and I found myself mad because I wanted more pages! I think I can see where the story is heading, and if I’m right, the third book is going to be pretty epic. While not as strong as book one, Firewalker filled in some much needed information and was a good set-up for what will surely be an amazing finale.
I agree that it wasn’t as strong as the first. I found the team-building a little slow and disliked the turn that Lily and Rowan’s relationship took. But I’m very excited for the last book because I agree with you that I think it will be very good!
Argh – made a typo on my web address and not sure first comment went through. In any case, I agree that this book wasn’t as strong as the first, but I’m also excited for the final installment!
I feel the same way!
I am iffy on if I’ll read this or not. I didn’t love the first book but I am curious to find out how it ends. I’m thinking I’ll wait and see reviews of the next book and decide then if I’ll continue. Glad you enjoyed it for the most part.
I think the last book is going to be realllly exciting!
I have yet to check out the first book, but I trust your bookish endorsements!
Great review! I enjoyed the first book in the series and I have been looking forward to Firewalker. I hope to get to it the middle of next month.
Yes! I felt much the same way about this book. I adored the new characters, and the old ones as well. I can’t wait for the next book!
I so loved the first book and can’t wait to read this one. Rowan in the modern world does sound interesting. it sounds a bit slower than the first though.
I was quite happy with this one as a sequel, because it was quite a game changer in many ways, even if it was also quite upsetting in others! Also glad that things are more in the shades of grey between the different factions and not too black & white!
I love when a series introduces new characters you can love just as much as the old ones, it always adds something new! I still need to read something by Josephine Angelini.
I just got the audiobook for the first book and I’ve seen mixed reviews. This isn’t really my genre but I’m hoping I like it. Sometimes I can connect with the audio version better than reading it myself for books I’m not sure on.
I’m sad that this one wasn’t as strong as the first book, but your high rating still gives me hope. I really liked the first one and I’m glad to hear that Rowan is still as swoony as ever! 🙂