I received this galley in consideration for an honest review.

Published by Random House on May 10, 2016
Genres: Young Adult

Fans of Jennifer E. Smith and Jenny Han will fall in love with this heartfelt and humor-laced debut following one girl’s race to find the guy of her cosmic dreams.
When zodiac-obsessed teen Wilamena Carlisle discovers a planetary alignment that won’t repeat for a decade, she’s forced to tackle her greatest astrological fear: The Fifth House—relationships and love.
But when Wil falls for a sensitive guitar player hailing from the wrong side of the astrology chart, she must decide whether a cosmically doomed love is worth rejecting her dead mother’s legacy and the very system she’s faithfully followed through a lifetime of unfailing belief.
Wil uses a lot of touchstones to anchor her life. She has her Gran, a driving force and substitute parent, she has her friend Irina, and she has her astrology. The astrology is her connection to her mother, and it if she can stick with it and use it to guide her life, it’s like her mom is guiding her life, too. Of course, as in all romances, things don’t go according to plan. The two boys she finds herself between, emotionally, represent the conflict between what the charts tell her and what her heart tells her. Wil really is a rule follower, so a lot of this story was her discovery that she can exert some independence without the world ending, but that she can’t lose sight of the people who really matter. Grant and Seth were both swoony in their way, but it avoided the dreaded love triangle dance by making only one the obvious choice.
I enjoyed Summer of Supernovas because it’s what I look for in a romantic comedy. It had characters that I could relate to myself and that I could enjoy reading. I think a lot of people will be able to empathize with Wil’s predicament. Her need to do as her mother said is strong, but so are her feelings. I knew how it was going to end, but that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the story. Summer Of Supernovas is that book you’re looking for to take on vacation. It’s the book you want when its a rainy day and you need something to read. It was fun, emotional, quirky, and I think it will be one that I recommend to a lot of people when they ask me what should I read this summer?
I picked this up, but put it down fairly quickly. Sometimes, you can tell when I book isn’t going to work for you. If good reviews keep rolling in, though, I may reassess.
I totally get that! Like I said, this would be a great ‘take on vacation’ book…..
this ones wasn’t even on my radar but now it is. yay a beach read. I love those for the summer. great review.
I hope you give it a chance!
I’m glad you liked this one. Love triangles are hard for me to swallow, but I was able to empathize with Wil here. I knew how it was going to end too and I doubt I would have enjoyed it as much if she had picked the other guy.
I agree on that one!
I really liked this one too! It’s really cute and quirky, despite the slightly predictable story, haha. And both Seth and Grant WERE very swoony–the romance was on point in this one. Great review!! 😀
Great review! I also liked this one — it was fun and quirky and such a great summer read! Plus, lots of swoon! ♥
my review