Genre: Fiction

Average Rating: 3.87

August Reading

Life has been….interesting.  It’s been heavy and anxiety-producing  with everything compounded by a search for a more just world. From a reading standpoint, I have comforted myself with non-stop Romance. I find it soothing in times when everything else feels like sandpaper. I have re-read all of my favorite series and tried out a few […]

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The Affliction By Beth Gutcheon

The Affliction By Beth Gutcheon

  I don’t consider myself a mystery reader, but every time I pick one up I end up enjoying it.  Such was the case with The Affliction, which hovers in the cozy mystery category, although I’m not sure it really fits that mold.  Maggie finds herself, in the course of helping a failing private school, […]

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Giveaway: The Lost Season Of Love And Snow

Giveaway: The Lost Season Of Love And Snow

Happy New Year!  What better way to kick of 2018 than with an excerpt and a giveaway!  The Lost Season Of Love And Snow definitely fulfills my love of historical fiction and St. Martin’s is allowing me to share an excerpt with you and they are putting up a finished copy to give away! Here’s […]

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The Wardrobe Mistress by Meghan Masterson

The Wardrobe Mistress by Meghan Masterson

The Wardrobe Mistress takes place during The French Revolution, a period of time that is often portrayed in a romantic way but was a time of great upheaval.  Giselle is from a small town outside of Paris and is give the opportunity to serve Maria Antoinette as on of her wardrobe attendants.  Basically, she was […]

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Giveaway: The Wangs vs. The World

Giveaway: The Wangs vs. The World

I am so pleased to offer you the chance to win The Wangs vs The World by Jade Chang!  It has been getting a ton of buzz, and when I opened my Entertainment Weekly on Friday, there it was getting all kinds of praise.  Here’s a little bit about The Wangs vs. The World:   […]

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The Spice Box Letters By Eve Makis

The Spice Box Letters By Eve Makis

  When I heard that The Spice Box Letters had a plot involving the Armenian Genocide, I had to read it immediately.  My great grandfather was a witness to the genocide and his involvement in relief efforts has always been a part of my family’s collective history.  The Spice Box Letters really took me inside […]

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Blog Tour: Reliquary

Blog Tour: Reliquary

Welcome to my stop in the blog tour for Reliquary by Sarah Fine.  After you’ve read my thoughts, don’t forget to enter for a chance to win a finished copy and check out the other stops on the tour!   As every urban fantasy story begins, we have Mattie, who is understandably in love with […]

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