The Conspiracy of Us By Maggie Hall

I received this galley in consideration for an honest review.

The Conspiracy of Us By Maggie HallThe Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall
Series: The Conspiracy of Us #1
Published by Penguin on January 13, 2015
Genres: Young Adult, Thriller

Avery West's newfound family can shut down Prada when they want to shop in peace, and can just as easily order a bombing when they want to start a war. Part of a powerful and dangerous secret society called the Circle, they believe Avery is the key to an ancient prophecy. Some want to use her as a pawn. Some want her dead. To unravel the mystery putting her life in danger, Avery must follow a trail of clues from the monuments of Paris to the back alleys of Istanbul with two boys who work for the Circle—beautiful, volatile Stellan and mysterious, magnetic Jack. But as the clues expose a stunning conspiracy that might plunge the world into World War 3, she discovers that both boys are hiding secrets of their own. Now she will have to choose not only between freedom and family--but between the boy who might help her save the world, and the one she's falling in love with.


There wasn’t a lot of world building, at first, and this story will require a pretty hefty suspension of belief, but if you can get past that I think that many people will greatly enjoy The Conspiracy Of Us.  There is something so entertaining about the long lost heiress/chosen one trope, and this book was no exception.  Avery is pulled from a mundane high school existence into a world where money is no object, and power is everything.  I was a little iffy on the way that Jack is introduced at the beginning and how Avery is whisked off to her new life, but, as I said before, it’s one of those things you just have to sit back and enjoy for what it is. As Avery slowly starts to unravel the mysteries about the life she knew, even more questions arise.  Her place in this family and her role in an ancient prophecy is clearly what will drive the plot for the rest of the series, and there appears to be a lot of twists in this story’s future.

There was definitely a Da Vinci Code quality to this story, but without the religious conspiracy theories.  This book really ran more along the lines of the Illuminati and less with Catholicism.  There were races through the Louvre, messages hidden in priceless works of art, and a feeling that you have no idea who was trustworthy.  Speaking of which, while there seems to be a budding romance, I can’t say that any of the possible romantic interests were good guys or bad guys.  So, in that respect, it kept me guessing.  The Conspiracy of Us was fun and action packed.  What it lacked in character development, it certainly made up for in sheer geographical scope and future story potential.  For all of the country hopping, private jets, and exclusive night clubs, it still had its element of family and a bit of romance.  I think I’ll be checking back in for book two.



About Maggie Hall

Maggie Hall is a traveling, decorating, champagne-drinking, USC-football-watching YA author. She is currently traveling the world for an indefinite amount of time with her husband, which means right at this moment, she might be on a beach in Thailand, drinking wine in Paris, or anywhere in between.


6 responses to “The Conspiracy of Us By Maggie Hall

  1. I really enjoyed this one! More than the Da Vinci code it reminded me of two very beloved books of mine by Katherine Neville: The Eight and The Magical Circle, since both also have conspiracies and secret societies and history with a twist!
    Great review Kate!

  2. Ooh, it sounds like my kind of book! I’ll remember to just roll with it at the beginning, but like the Da Vinci Code without all the religious stuff sounds really good 🙂

  3. Oh, I would love a Da Vinci code story without all the religious conspiracies! The Da Vinci code was a good read if you took it at face value, but as a Catholic, it did feel like it was too much some times, even if the book kept shoving “THESE ARE ALL FACTS!!111!1!!1” In any case, I’ll definitely be getting this one. I miss the Louvre and would love to explore that again through here.

    Faye at The Social Potato

  4. Despite the start, it’s nice that you had a good time with the story. I didn’t ask for it but I was going to… I’ll surely read it one day, I like the idea. thanks for the review.

  5. I’m pretty intrigued by the idea of The Conspiracy of Us! It sounds like it’d be a very fun read, particularly because it involves a Da Vinci Code level of adventure. Glad you liked it, in spite of a lack of world-building!

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