Set in a fantasy world heavily influenced by Chinese folklore, Soundless starts in a society that is isolated by geography and by the deafness of the villagers. Their entire communication system is visual, so when people start going blind, it starts to look like a desperate situation. For Fei, it becomes more […]
Category: Richelle Mead
The Ruby Circle By Richelle Mead
**This review is spoiler free if you’ve read the series.** I never expected to love this series the way I do, but The Ruby Circle is the end of a journey that I have really enjoyed traveling with these characters. It has been very fun to see both Sydney and Adrian develop as people […]
Silver Shadows By Richelle Mead
As The Fiery Heart ended, Sydney was dragged to “reeducation” and as Silver Shadows opens, she is still there, undergoing some pretty awful treatment in the name of reprogramming her brain. As with book 4, we get Adrian’s point of view and he has almost given up ever finding Sydney’s location. As they each […]
The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead
**This review is spoiler free, if you’ve read the series** The Fiery Heart Author: Richelle Mead Category: Young Adult Publisher: Razorbill Release Date: 11-19-13 In The Indigo Spell, Sydney was torn between the Alchemist way of life and what her heart and gut were telling her to do. And in one breathtaking moment that Richelle […]
Gameboard Of The Gods by Richelle Mead
Gameboard of the Gods Author: Richelle Mead Category: Fiction Publisher: Dutton Release Date: 6-4-13 In a futuristic world nearly destroyed by religious extremists, Justin March lives in exile after failing in his job as an investigator of religious groups and supernatural claims. But Justin is given a second chance when Mae Koskinen comes to bring […]
Ex Libris Audio: The Indigo Spell
Find out more information about this feature and my ratings here. The Indigo Spell Author: Richelle Mead Narrator: Emily Shaffer Performance: Excellent Publisher: Penguin Available Now In the aftermath of a forbidden moment that rocked Sydney to her core, she finds herself struggling to draw the line between her Alchemist teachings and what her heart […]
Ex Libris Audio:Bloodlines and The Golden Lily
Bloodlines Author: Richelle Mead Narrator: Emily Shaffer Performance: Excellent Publisher: Penguin Audio Available Now Sydney is an alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of human and vampires. They protect vampire secrets – and human lives. When Sydney is torn from her bed in the […]