Author: Jennifer Mathieu

I’m a writer and English teacher who lives in Texas with my family. A native of the East Coast and a former journalist, I enjoy writing contemporary young adult fiction that treats teenagers like real people. I love to eat and hate to cook.

I’m a writer and English teacher who lives in Texas with my family. A native of the East Coast and a former journalist, I enjoy writing contemporary young adult fiction that treats teenagers like real people. I love to eat and hate to cook.

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Blog Tour: Moxie

Blog Tour: Moxie

IT’S MOXIE DAY! I AM SO EXCITED!!!  YES, I AM YELLING ABOUT THIS AMAZING BOOK.  I am honored to have Jennifer Mathieu on the blog today answering my questions about the AMAZING and FABULOUS Moxie. After you read the interview, don’t forget to enter for a chance to win the awesome giveaway and check out […]

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Afterward By Jennifer Mathieu

Afterward By Jennifer Mathieu

    Afterward is a book that gives you a peek behind the curtain of the type of high-profile kidnapping story you might see sensationalized on national news.  What happens when the cameras turn off and the families go home and try to rebuild their lives? Ethan and Caroline knew of each other in their […]

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Blog Tour: Devoted

Blog Tour: Devoted

  I was lucky enough to read some very early snippets of Devoted and I am so thrilled to have Jennifer Mathieu on the blog today, because the final product is absolutely amazing. Rachel is a part of a family that aligns itself with the Quiverfull movement (think Duggars) and her journey is one that […]

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