The Last Echo by Kimberly Derting

This is a review for the third book in The Body Finder series. To learn more about the series, go here.

Review of The Last Echo by Kimberly Derting published by Harper TeenThe Last Echo (The Body Finder #3)
Author: Kimberly Derting
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: Harper Collins
Release Date: 4-17-12
Violet kept her morbid ability to sense dead bodies a secret from everyone except her family and her childhood-best-friend-turned-boyfriend, Jay Heaton. That is until forensic psychologist Sara Priest discovered Violet’s talent and invited her to use her gift to track down murderers. Now, as she works with an eclectic group of individuals—including mysterious and dangerously attractive Rafe—it’s Violet’s job to help those who have been murdered by bringing their killers to justice. When Violet discovers the body of a college girl killed by “the girlfriend collector” she is determined to solve the case. But now the serial killer is on the lookout for a new “relationship” and Violet may have caught his eye










Violet is back and now she has a group of people with their own special skills and a place where she feels more accepted.  The story opens with Violet’s discovery of a dead body, and this killer is probably the creepiest one of this series.  “The Girlfriend Collector” will make your skin crawl and will have you checking all of the locks on your doors twice before you go to bed.  Although The Girlfriend Collector is the center of the squad’s efforts, there is a sub-plot involving another murderer that I found just as unnerving.  Rafe becomes a very interesting character in this book and even though we get a little more insight into who he is, he’s still a bit of a mystery. As scary as this book is, you won’t be able to look away.  The action and mystery will keep those pages turning until you reach the end.

As much as I loved this book, and I did love it, I wanted more Jay.  (Who doesn’t, right?).  As Violet’s life on this special squad gets more complicated, Jay kind of fades into the background.  I think he’s a great complement to Violet and I was really wanted to see more dimensions of him.  I am hoping to see more of him in the next book.  Despite its lack of Jay-ness, The Last Echo was a very fast, scary, creepy and entertaining book.  I have loved every installment of this series and everyone should be excited that there is going to be another book.  I know I am!


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