Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Breaking The Spine where I talk about books that I am eagerly anticipating! This week, my WoW pick is….. The Naturals is a great series that features a group of teens with extraordinary abilities who are brought into an FBI program to hunt down serial killers. […]
Author: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Jennifer Lynn Barnes (who mostly goes by Jen) was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has been, in turn, a competitive cheerleader, a volleyball player, a dancer, a debutante, a primate cognition researcher, a teen model, a comic book geek, and a lemur aficionado. She’s been writing for as long as she can remember, finished her first full book (which she now refers to as a “practice book” and which none of you will ever see) when she was still in high school, and then wrote Golden the summer after her freshman year in college, when she was nineteen.
Average Rating: 4
Killer Instinct By Jennifer Lynn Barnes
I enjoyed book one in this series, The Naturals, but Killer Instinct really kicked it up a notch. After surviving a serial killer and coming to terms, somewhat, with her mother’s murder, Cassie is dealing with her feelings about her close call and escape from a killer in their midst, while still getting to […]
The Naturals By Jennifer Lynn Barnes
The Naturals was a great thriller that supplied all of the things I love in a novel involving crime. First, of course, was the crime, and second is the story surrounding the people who are solving the crime. The world of the Naturals is perhaps a bit far-fetched, but not so much that it […]