I have never read any of the books that were written for the Star Wars universe, but being a fan and loving Claudia Gray’s writing made this an easy choice. Lost Stars is about two teens who both leave their small planet go into the Imperial Academy, which takes them in very different directions. […]
Author: Claudia Gray
I live in New Orleans. So far, in life, I’ve been a disc jockey, a lawyer, a journalist and an extremely bad waitress, just to name a few. I especially like to spend time traveling, hiking, reading and listening to music. More than anything else, I enjoy writing.
Average Rating: 4
Ten Thousand Skies Above You By Claudia Gray
I am always skeptical going into a second book, perhaps even more so if I really loved the first book. Ten Thousand Skies Above You, much to my delight, provided more twists, more traveling, and more thoughtful romance that I could have hoped for. I’m not sure I have ever read a book with a […]
A Thousand Pieces Of You By Claudia Gray
I was expecting a straight-up sci-fi story about parallel universes when I started A Thousand Pieces Of You, but what I got was a story that included that, yes, but ended up being so much more, as well. Marguerite comes from one of those quirky scientific families with parents that seem like your typical distracted […]