It may sound strange to combine Wild West with Middle Eastern influence but, somehow, it worked really well. The main character, Amani, is desperate to escape. Her life is boxed in by the dusty, rundown town where she lives and her remaining family doesn’t try to make things better. When a forced marriage looms in […]
Author: Alwyn Hamilton
Alwyn Hamilton was born in Toronto and spent her childhood bouncing between Europe and Canada until her parents settled in France. She grew up in a small town there, which might have compelled her to burst randomly into the opening song from Beauty and the Beast were it not for her total tone-deafness. She instead attempted to read and write her way to new places and developed a weakness for fantasy and cross-dressing heroines. She left France for Cambridge University to study History of Art at King’s College, and then to London where she became indentured to an auction house. She has a bad habit of acquiring more hardcovers than is smart for someone who moves house quite so often.
Average Rating: 4.5
Waiting On Wednesday
Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Breaking The Spine where I talk about books that I am eagerly anticipating! This week, my WoW pick is….. My WoW this week is a fantasy that many of my bookish friends have been talking (ok, raving) about on social media. What do you […]