Category: Howard Books

Mist Of Midnight By Sandra Byrd

Mist Of Midnight By Sandra Byrd

With a Gothic style mystery, a handsome Hussar, and a mysterious imposter, Mist of Midnight was a book I was very interested in reading.  Rebecca returned form India reluctantly after the tragic death of her family and feels very much like a fish out of water.  Like many repatriated citizens, the manners and social rules […]

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Far From Here by Nicole Baart

Far From Here Author: Nicole Baart Genre: Fiction Format: Paperback Publisher: Howard Books Release Date: 2-7-12 Danica Greene has always hated flying, so it was almost laughable that the boy of her dreams was a pilot. She married him anyway and together, she and Etsell settled into a life where love really did seem to […]

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