A Million Suns by Beth Revis

A Million Suns
Author: Beth Revis
Genre: Young Adult
Format: ARC
Publisher: Razorbill
Release Date: 1-10-12
Three months after Amy was unfrozen, life on the Godspeed has changed dramatically.  Elder is now the leader and the inhabitants of the ship start asking questions and demanding change.  When Amy starts finding mysterious messages, she and Elder race to unravel the mystery of the Godspeed and find a way to get off of the ship.

The engines of the Godspeed are in trouble, the population is more aware of what is going on and life has changed dramatically.  Three months after Amy was unfrozen, major changes have taken place and the social structure of the Godspeed hangs in the balance.  Although you learned what you thought were the big secrets of the ship in Across The Universe, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.  A Million Suns is full of one starling realization after another and I stayed up waaaaaay past my bedtime for two nights because I had such a hard time putting this book down. 

There are some interesting philosophical questions about freedom and whether compromising free will is worth keeping everyone safe in an environment that must be controlled.  I have to admit that there were several scenes in which I wanted to tell Elder to give in and rule the way Eldest did, but I admired his resolve to change things on the ship.  In the midst of a truly entertaining sci-fi novel, Beth Revis injects some thought provoking questions and you can make arguments for both sides.  In an environment that was so tightly controlled, where everyone knew their place, being given choice and the benefit of knowledge becomes too much for many people on the ship.  This conflict travels between almost every character to create a very compelling story.  As in Across The Universe, the attention to detail and effort to examine the effects of an isolated society and long duration space flight brings the book to life and makes you feel as if you are on the Godspeed, as well.

Another aspect of the story that I loved was the development of Amy and Elder’s relationship.  I thought that they both grew so much as characters and I was even more attached to them after this book.  Amy becomes stronger and more resolute in her quest to find some answers and Elder becomes more of the leader that he was meant to be, complete with making some incredibly tough decisions.  I loved everything about this book and the ending was such a cliffhanger that my stomach hurts just thinking about having to wait a YEAR for the third book.

The Across The Universe giveaway is still going, so don’t miss out on your chance to win a copy of ATU and a bunch of NASA goodies!  Go here to enter!

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6 responses to “A Million Suns by Beth Revis

  1. I’m reading lots of good things about this book. I hate cliffhangers though! Maybe I should just wait until the third one comes out before starting this one! lol

  2. I’m reading this one at the moment and LOVING it. I’m not sure what I expected from the Amy and Elder relationship post AtU, but I really respect Amy for questioning what she wants, and analysing her feelings. I’m LOVING watching both of them grow.

    FAB review! xx

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