All I had to hear was “the narrator is a ghost” and I was very excited about reading this book. Laura Ruby books are always unique, but never to be missed. Thirteen Doorways was a read-in-one-sitting, give-you-a-hangover type book. Frankie, like many kids in the Depression era, was dropped off at an orphanage with her […]
Author: Laura Ruby
Raised in the wilds of suburban New Jersey, Laura Ruby now lives in Chicago with her family. Her short fiction for adults has appeared in various literary magazines, including Other Voices, The Florida Review, Sycamore Review and Nimrod. Currently, she is working on several thousand projects, drinking way too much coffee, and searching for new tunes for her iPod.
Average Rating: 4.5
Ex Libris Audio: Bone Gap
I admit that I decided to read/listen to this book based on its nomination for a National Book Award. To be fair, though, I heard many people saying how good it was and they were not wrong. Like all of the best stories with magical realism elements, the writing is lyrical and dreamy. The story […]