Shades of Earth Giveaway!

The Across The Universe series is coming to an end (sad face) and today you can pick up the last in the trilogy, Shades of Earth!  (Read my spoiler free review here).  In honor of this series that combines the very best of sci-fi, mystery and romance, I am giving away some fun stuff!

One winner will receive their choice of a finished copy of Shades of Earth OR a signed paperback of Across The Universe.  That’s not all!  The winner will also receive this nifty assortment of NASA goodies.


NASA spiral notebook, NASA stickers, NASA water bottle, space shuttle bookmarks and astronaut ice cream

So, whether you are new to the series or have been waiting for book three forever, this giveaway is for you!  Simply fill out the Rafflecopter below and good luck!

This is open internationally.  You must be 13 or older to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway




92 responses to “Shades of Earth Giveaway!

  1. Oh, perfect giveaway. <3 THANK YOU SO MUCH :D Would love love love to win! I adore these books so much. And ahh! NASA goodies :D I want want want. *Fingers crossed.* <3
    Love, Carina

  2. Ileana A.

    Thank you so much for the giveaway! I haven’t had the chance to read this series, so I’m so excited for this one!
    GFC: Gisele Alvarado

  3. I haven’t started this series yet and honestly I don’t know why. Amazing giveaway, thank you for the chance!

    Raffle name: Artemis

  4. Nathália Marques Rocha

    I can’t wait more for reading this book. Thank you for the giveaway!

    Good Luck for everyone.

  5. Lea

    Ooooh would love to win! Can’t wait to read Shades of Earth, and hello, NASA goodies?! A friend who visited the Huntsville center a few years ago sent me a beautiful postcard, and it’s still tacked onto my fridge.

  6. Lacey T

    So excited to read Shades of Earth! Love the entire series 🙂
    GFC: laceyblossom

  7. Hmm, I still need to finish reading Across the Universe so maybe I’ll win again from you? Thanks. 🙂 And it would be completely awesome to have a copy of something that’s signed by the author.

  8. Anonymous

    so the first two books took me way out of this world, and the first book was literally sent to space today. congrats to Beth Revis!!! BEST SERIES EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank’s so much for doing all these giveaways:) CAN’T WAIT TO READ SHADES OF EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Thanks for the giveaway ! I was putting off reading A Million suns because of the long Wait but now that Shades ai finally here, I cant Wait to finish this Beautiful series

  10. I loved Across the Universe! I still haven’t read A Million Suns and now Shades is out, too. I can’t wait to read them both 😀 Thank you for the giveaway!

  11. I haven’t read this series yet – I’m waiting for Shades of Earth to release so I can read them all at once. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  12. Across the Universe was one of my favorite reads in 2011. A Million Suns was one of my favorite reads in 2012. I have a pretty good feeling that Shades of Earth will rank high on my list of reads for 2013! This series is so much perfection!

  13. I can’t figure out which is more exciting– stickers that awaken my passion from when I was 8 years old or the book. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

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