There is something about Willowdean’s confidence in who she is (smart, hardworking, funny) and who she is not (defined by her dress size or any other physical characteristic) that made me wish I was more like her in almost every way. I think that is the magic of this book, that you are 100% […]
Author: Julie Murphy
Julie Murphy is a potty-mouthed Southern belle who was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, but found her home in Fort Worth, Texas. She’s never seen Star Wars, but has yet to meet a made for TV movie she didn’t love. When she’s not writing, Julie can be found cruising Costco for free samples, watching Sister Act 2, stalking drag queens on instagram, obsessing over the logistics of Mars One, and forever searching for the perfect slice of cheese pizza. She lives with her bearded husband, two vicious cats, and one pomeranian that can pass as a bear cub.
Average Rating: 5
Side Effects May Vary By Julie Murphy
“Maybe I should have let it be a good thing and maybe I should have left all the horrible parts of me there in that hallway to be forgotten in that graveyard of memories, but I didn’t know how to do that. I didn’t know how to separate out the wrong parts of […]