Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey

Review of Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey published by Bloomsbury
Stolen Away
Author: Alyxandra Harvey
Genre: Young Adult
Format: ebook
Publisher: Walker
Release Date: 1-17-12
As Eloise’s 17th birthday approaches strange things start to happen. She seems to be the focus of a lot of mysterious strangers and even the occasional animal. What she doesn’t know is that her family is tied to Fae and that they must rescue her before the evil Strahan goes too far.

I always love a story that involves the Fey and their insane, intricate political system.  This story took some modern day teens, focusing on Eloise and Jo, and put them in a situation where they were forced to actually fight for their own lives and the lives of their friends.  The story is told in the alternating viewpoints of Eloise, whose family is connected to the Fey and her best friend, Jo.  I think what I liked about the two female protagonists is that they weren’t popular, in fact they were picked on by the popular girls, but they were ok with themselves.  It really set the tone for the strength that they would both show later in the book.  Of course you can’t have a story like this without some love interests and both girls get to know some intriguing Fey gentlemen who ended up being on different sides with a nice little twist to Eldric’s story.

I suppose the only thing that bothered me a bit was the lack of time in Faery.  I felt that there was a lot of running and a lot of seeing mysterious things, but not really enough time getting to know Eldric and Lucas a little more.  I also wish that more time had been spent on the folklore of the Fey.  Part of what I love about stories involving The Fair Folk is the history and different approaches to the mythology.  It was definitely there, but I felt it could have gone a little deeper.  It all felt a little rushed, especially toward the end.  However, this book was fun with a lot of action and  little bit of romance.  It was definitely YA book that was Y than A, but a fun read with some good lines and a sweet ending.

This book earned 3 birds:

I received this book as a galley from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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One response to “Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey

  1. I’m a fan of the author’s previous work and despite the mixed reviews for this one, I think I’ll still have a crack at it. Great review!

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