Night Speed centers around a drug called tetra that is used by criminals and law enforcement, alike. Right away, the fact that both sides were both using it, intrigued me. In order to catch the criminals, the police had to hire teens to take that very drug in order to catch the people who were […]
Publisher: Harper Collins
Average Rating: 3.87
Harper Summer 2016 Blog Tour: A Walk In The Sun By Michelle Zink
I am SO EXCITED to be on the Harper Summer Tour! 2016 books are all so amazing and I am excited to share my stop for A Walk in the Sun by Michelle Zink. If you’ve been following the other stops, you know the drill, so don’t forget to enter all of the amazing […]
Blog Tour: Burning Glass
Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Burning Glass by Kathryn Purdie. After you’ve read my thoughts, don’t forget to enter the giveaway and check out the other tour stops! Burning Glass was much more political intrigue than action and adventure, but that was something I really loved about it. Set […]
Blog Tour: Revenge And The Wild
Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Revenge and the Wild hosted by Rock Star Book Tours. I love a good Western, but Revenge and the Wild was not what I was expecting at all! It was a sort of steampunk/paranormal/Western mash-up and it worked really well. Rogue City is your typical […]
Blog Tour: Reign Of Shadows
I always enjoy unique retellings, and this definitely fits into that category. I really enjoyed the world that Sophie Jordan built in Reign If Shadows, although I would never want to live in it, myself! It was full of danger and, well, really gross creatures, but that’s what made it fun to read! Luna’s […]
Waiting On Wednesday
Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Breaking The Spine where I talk about books that I am eagerly anticipating! This week, my WoW pick is….. I was drawn to the cover, to be honest, but after I read the jacket copy I was taken in by the plot. This book sounds like […]
Blog Tour: Truest
Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Truest by Jackie Lea Sommers! I am sharing my thoughts on Truest and then you can enter for a chance to win an annotated version of the book, which is always so interesting. I am always a fan of small […]
Promises I Made By Michelle Zink
I was so glad to hear that there was a sequel to Lies I Told because, although it didn’t end in a cliffhanger, I still wanted to know what would happen to Grace. The period after their crime is exposed is confusing and with her brother in jail, she is still with the man […]
Ex Libris Audio: Bone Gap
I admit that I decided to read/listen to this book based on its nomination for a National Book Award. To be fair, though, I heard many people saying how good it was and they were not wrong. Like all of the best stories with magical realism elements, the writing is lyrical and dreamy. The story […]
Waiting On Wednesday
Waiting on Wednesday is a feature hosted by Breaking The Spine where I talk about books that I am eagerly anticipating! This week, my WoW pick is….. While I’m not super crazy about the cover, I love mysteries where the detective has some sort of ability, especially if that ability is rooted in science. […]