A lesson that I have learned again and again in my life is that, when it comes to groups or teams, you are stronger together. This goes for friendships, romantic relationship, or even politics! In Turn It Up, I saw this theme reappear with a story about two girls whose friendship becomes fractured and one […]
Icon Tag: YA for Everyone
The Reader By Traci Chee
For anyone who loves books, The Reader is both horrifying (a world without books!) and thrilling. Sefia’s life is hard and sad without her parents but her guardian, Nin, has become the parent that she needs to survive the brutal world she lives in. Right away, there are signs that Sefia’s parents and Nin had […]
Winter By Marissa Meyer
Oh, what’s to say about Winter that hasn’t already been said? I’m not sure I can contribute anything very original to the giant chorus of voices lauding the last installment in this wonderful series. I loved it. It was long, yes, but I was glad for that. I was no ready for this series to […]
Red Girl, Blue Boy By Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Red Girl, Blue Boy is a rom-com style story set during the 2016 presidential elections. The two love interests on the opposite side of the isle story has been done before, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in a YA setting, so I think that’s what grabbed my interest. […]
Goodbye Stranger By Rebecca Stead
I have never read a Rebecca Stead book, but Goodbye Stranger was a fantastic surprise, so I know it won’t be my last book from this author. The writing was beautiful; it was simple but profound, which is why I think it will appeal to a broad range of readers. At […]
Between The Notes By Sharon Huss Roat
I have always thought that while we are talking about diversity in books, we need to include income level as a part of diverse reading for all ages. In that way, Between the Notes was able to write a story that provided some insight into a family that is struggling economically. It did a pretty […]
Review + Giveaway: Stone Rider By David Hofmeyr
I don’t usually pay too much attention to the comparisons that publishers make when describing books, but in the case of Stone Rider, Mad Max meets The Road is a very accurate description. With a bare bones narrative style, Stone Rider tells the story of three riders who take on a no holds barred race […]
Rebel Mechanics By Shanna Swendson
Rebel Mechanics was just so fun! It brought steampunk to an America that is still under British rule, and instead of scrappy colonials fighting in the woods of Virginia, you have scrappy mechanics fighting a rebellion through invention and a desire to live free of magic. The world of Rebel Mechanics was both […]
The Novice By Taran Matharu
The Novice takes cues from many books that are fantasy staples and combines them to create a story where class, money, and even some political intrigue build an interesting world. Fletcher’s beginnings are both mysterious and humble. The mythology of The Orphan with hidden powers is strong in this book and while his path to […]
The Start Of Me And You By Emery Lord
For the last year, Paige’s life has been defined by the death of her boyfriend. Right away, I knew that Paige was a character that was looking to define her self by taking the control that grief and forced public mourning stole from her life. She is ready to move on and, […]