These Vicious Masks had me at its historical setting with a hearty dose of the supernatural. I liked the sister dynamic, which was very strong, and was the impetus for the entire story. Evelyn is not a fan of being married off to someone she doesn’t know, but her parents are motivated […]
Author: Tarun Shanker
Mild-mannered assistant by day, milder-mannered writer by night, Tarun Shanker is a New York University graduate currently living in Los Angeles. His idea of paradise is a place where kung-fu movies are projected on clouds, David Bowie’s music fills the air and chai tea flows freely from fountains.
Mild-mannered assistant by day, milder-mannered writer by night, Tarun Shanker is a New York University graduate currently living in Los Angeles. His idea of paradise is a place where kung-fu movies are projected on clouds, David Bowie’s music fills the air and chai tea flows freely from fountains.