Trouble is a Friend of Mine was one of my favorite books last year and I was so happy when I saw Stephani Tromy signing ARCs of book two at the Texas Library Association convention. In Trouble Makes A Comeback, we get to know Zoe a few months after Digby got on the bus to […]
Author: Stephanie Tromly
Stephanie Tromly was born in Manila, grew up in Hong Kong, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, and worked as a screenwriter in Los Angeles. She is the author of Trouble Is a Friend of Mine and lives in Winnipeg with her husband and son.
Average Rating: 4
Release Day Blitz: Trouble Makes A Comeback
Honestly, I don’t usually do release day posts like this, but I decided to make an exception because I looooved the first book, Trouble is a Friend of Mine. Trouble Makes a Comeback, which releases today, is just as funny and I basically wish I could take a day off and just read it. (Yay, Thanksgiving!) […]
Trouble Is A Friend Of Mine By Stephanie Tromly
I picked up this book expecting another manic pixie dream guy story, but Digby is only an MPGD if said pixie was living in an absinthe bottle and playing with matches. The story starts at the end and then rewinds the tape (look it up, kids) and goes back to the beginning. Zoe’s life […]