Welcome to the blog tour for The Shadow Hour, book two in The Girl at Midnight series. After you read my thoughts, don’t forget to enter for a chance to win a finished copy and check out the other stops on the tour! The Girl At Midnight was one of my happy surprises […]
Author: Melissa Grey
Melissa Grey was born and raised in New York City. She wrote her first short story at the age of twelve and hasn’t stopped writing since. After earning a degree in fine arts at Yale University, she traveled the world, then returned to New York City where she currently works as a freelance journalist. To learn more about Melissa, visit melissa-grey.com and follow @meligrey on Twitter.
Average Rating: 4
The Girl At Midnight By Melissa Grey
I always love books that take place in a world that is completely different, yet exists right under our noses. The Avicen and the Drakharin live adjacent to the mortal word. They move within it, if they have to, but they have very little use for humans or human problems. Their ancient dislike for […]
Blog Tour: The Girl At Midnight
Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for The Girl At Midnight by Melissa Grey! I am excited to share an interview with Melissa, but first let’s hear a little bit about the book: The Girl At Midnight is a fantasy that takes place in, around, and under New York City. What made […]