Without romanticizing the horrors of war, Goodnight From London painted a compelling picture of what it meant to make your home in a country at war as well as describing how the blitz impacted the day to day lives of everyone in England. When Ruby arrives in the UK, America is not a part of […]
Author: Jennifer Robson
Jennifer Robson first learned about the Great War from her father, acclaimed historian Stuart Robson, and later served as an official guide at the Canadian National War Memorial at Vimy Ridge, France. A former copy editor, she holds a doctorate in British economic and social history from the University of Oxford. She lives in Toronto, Canada, with her husband and young children.
Average Rating: 4
After The War Is Over By Jennifer Robson
If you like stories about English people tethered by the constraints of class and money, this is the book for you. Fortunately, that is exactly what I like, so After The War Is Over was very enjoyable for me! Charlotte is a feminist, or as she would be called at that time, a suffragist. […]