I’m not sure what I can say about I’ll Give You The Sun that hasn’t already been said. It is an amazing, emotional, thought-provoking, heart-breaking, joyful story that is expertly structured and delivered. I was skeptical about the dual voices since we only hear Jude as a 16 year old and we only hear […]
Author: Jandy Nelson
Jandy Nelson, like her characters in I’ll Give You the Sun and The Sky is Everywhere, comes from a superstitious lot. She was tutored from a young age in the art of the four-leaf clover hunt; she knocks wood, throws salt, and carries charms in her pockets. Her critically-acclaimed, New York Times bestselling second novel, I’ll Give You the Sun, received the prestigious Printz Award, Bank Street’s Josette Frank Award, and is a Stonewall Book Award honor. Jandy, a literary agent for many years, received a BA from Cornell University and MFAs in Poetry and Children’s Writing from Brown University and Vermont College of Fine Arts. Currently a full-time writer, she lives and writes in San Francisco, California—not far from the settings of her novels.