Author: Adriana Mather

Adriana Mather is the 12th generation of Mathers in America, and as such her family has their fingers in many of its historical pies – the Mayflower, the Salem Witch Trials, the Titanic, the Revolutionary War, and the wearing of curly white wigs. Also, Adriana co-owns a production company, Zombot Pictures, in LA that has made three feature films in three years. Her first acting scene in a film ever was with Danny Glover, and she was terrified she would mess it up. In addition, her favorite food is pizza and she has too many cats.

Adriana Mather is the 12th generation of Mathers in America, and as such her family has their fingers in many of its historical pies – the Mayflower, the Salem Witch Trials, the Titanic, the Revolutionary War, and the wearing of curly white wigs. Also, Adriana co-owns a production company, Zombot Pictures, in LA that has made three feature films in three years. Her first acting scene in a film ever was with Danny Glover, and she was terrified she would mess it up. In addition, her favorite food is pizza and she has too many cats.

Average Rating: 3.75

Blog Tour: Haunting The Deep

Blog Tour: Haunting The Deep

I enjoyed How to Hang a Witch and its blending of family drama and history.  In Haunting the Deep, I think the same feel was achieved, but this time it was a different ancestor of Samantha’s that was involved.  Instead of witch trials, everything at the high school seems to be trying to bring the […]

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Blog Tour + Giveaway: How To Hang A Witch

Blog Tour + Giveaway: How To Hang A Witch

Being descended form a Mayflower family, I have always had a particular interest in the the first settlements of the Pilgrims.  My one and only visit to Salem revealed that they do, in fact, capitalize on the town’s dark history. (I was there on Halloween. It was very interesting.)  The weight of history lingers, or […]

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