WELCOME! It’s the first day of the Renegades Blog Tour and I hope you’re as excited as I am for this awesome book! When we were asked to pick a side, I wanted to pick Anarchist but I am a rule follower at heart, so I am happy with my choice of Renegade. After you’ve read my Top Ten list, don’t forget to enter for a chance to win a pre-order of Renegades!
Here’s a little bit about the book:

Published by Macmillan on November 7, 2017
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy
Secret Identities.
Extraordinary Powers.
She wants vengeance. He wants justice.The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies—humans with extraordinary abilities—who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone...except the villains they once overthrew.
Nova has a reason to hate the Renegades, and she is on a mission for vengeance. As she gets closer to her target, she meets Adrian, a Renegade boy who believes in justice—and in Nova. But Nova's allegiance is to a villain who has the power to end them both
Today I am listing my Top Ten Heroes in Literature! This was actually really tough to put together and all I can say is, it could have been much longer. There is no way I could rank this list, so it’s in no particular order.
Who’s on your top ten list?
One of the first books I read when I started blogging and she still stands out as one of my favorite and most bad ass characters.
Scarlet Benoit from Scarlet
Of all the characters in that series, Scarlet remains my favorite. Maybe because she loved a wolf or maybe because she was an excellent mechanic. Who knows? I just love her.
Elizabeth Bennet from Pride & Predjudice
Ok, so she didn’t have a cape or fighting skills, but she stood up to a snob AND refused to marry for anything but love, which was pretty heroic in the early 19th century.
Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games
Look, I don’t care if everyone puts this book on every YA list. I love it and Katniss is the grumpy, introverted heroine I need.
Claire Beauchaump Randall Fraser from Outlander
She’s selfish, stubborn, and incredibly foolish at times, but what can I say? She’s still one of my favorite characters if for no other reason than she can keep her accident-prone husband alive with her medical knowledge.
Inej from Six of Crows
Inej has been through hell, she doesn’t back down, and she doesn’t compromise her expectations for anyone. Enough said.
Tessa Gray from The Infernal Devices
All of Tessa’s gifts came from within her, so maybe that is one reason she makes all of my favorite character lists. I’ll always be Team Tessa.
Sydney Sage from Bloodlines
I know Rose always got more attention, but Sydney’s super type-A, control freak nature really spoke to me on many levels.
Kami Glass from The Lynburn Legacy
If you haven’t read this series you are missing out on one of the funniest, smartest heroines out there. Her superpower is sniffing out the truth and I wish there were more journalists like Kami.
Blue Sargent from The Raven Cycle
She lives in a house full of psychics and she’s going to kill her first love. Even thought she gets sucked into a…..complicated situation, Blue really is the best and most unwavering of heroines.
You must be 13+ to enter. Open internationally. Contest only accounts will be disqualified.
“Who is your favorite hero in literature?” Bilbo Baggins, because he’s a nice chap!
My favorite hero in literature is Hermione Granger from Harry Potter.
Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy.
Thank you for a generous giveaway!! 🙂
Hhhmmm, that’s a hard question! I’d say a couple of them: Morgaine, from Mists of Avalon; Elizabeth Bennet, from P&P; Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing; Mae from Demon’s Lexicon; Rae Seddon from Sunshine…
My favorite hero in literature is Tracy Whitney from Sidney Sheldon’s If tomorrow comes.