I am lucky enough to host a stop on the EARTHBOUND blog tour today with my thoughts on the latest from Aprilynne Pike. Don’t forget to check out the fantastic giveaway after you’ve read my review. Thanks for stopping by! Earthbound (Earthbound #1) Author: Aprilynne Pike Category: Young Adult Publisher: Razorbill Release Date: 7-30-13 Tavia […]
Category: Blog Tour
Blog Tour: Shadow Of The Mark
I am thrilled to have Leigh Fallon on the blog today talking about her second book in the Carrier series, Shadow Of The Mark, and answering some of my questions. Here’s a little bit about the book: Megan knew she was destined to be with Adam from the first moment she saw him and […]
Blog Tour – Star Cursed by Jessica Spotswood
Welcome to the STAR CURSED blog tour! I am beyond thrilled to be a part of this tour because this series is on of my absolute favorites! The pain! The Romance! The witchcraft! It is 100% awesome! Here is a little bit about STAR CURSED With the Brotherhood persecuting witches like never before, a […]
Of Triton Blog Tour + Giveaway
Welcome to the OF TRITON blog tour! Check out all of the other stops here! I am very honored to have everyone’s favorite Syrena brother/sister duo, Galen and Rayna, on the blog today! I thought it would be interesting to get a little insight into their thoughts about relationships, humans, and living on land. So, […]
The Sweet Dead Life: Blog Tour + Giveaway
I am very happy to have Joy Preble on the blog today answering questions about her new book, The Sweet Dead Life, which is being released on May 14th! Today, I’m asking Joy a few questions about her new book, but don’t forget to visit the other tour stops and enter their giveaways, as well! […]
Blog Tour: If You Find Me
I am very pleased to welcome Emily Murdoch to the blog today for the IF YOU FIND ME blog tour, hosted by The Midnight Garden! She answered some questions that I had about this emotional and riveting story. Here is a little bit about the book: If You Find MeAuthor: Emily MurdochPublisher: St. Martin’s GriffinRelease […]
Blog Tour + Giveaway – A Corner Of White
Jaclyn Moriarty’s new book, A Corner of White, is a tale of missing persons. Madeleine and her mother have run away from their former life, under mysterious circumstances, and settled in a rainy corner of Cambridge, England. It’s also the story of a boy named Elliot who lives in another world – the Kingdom of Cello – a world like ours in many ways, […]
Interview + Giveaway: Marcus Sedgwick
I am so thrilled to be a part of the Midwinterblood Blog Tour! Today I have Marcus Sedgwick visiting to answer some of my questions about this unique and beautifully written book. You can read my review here. Marcus Sedgwick was born and raised in East Kent in the South-east of England. He now divides […]