I am very excited to be a stop on the Earthquake Blog Tour today so I can share my thoughts with you about this book!
I received this galley in consideration for an honest review.

Series: Earthbound #2
Published by Penguin on July 8, 2014
Genres: Young Adult, Science Fiction
Amazon, - B&N

Tavia Michaels has discovered that she’s an Earthbound—a fallen goddess with the power to remake the Earth—and that a rival faction of Earthbounds, the Reduciata, has created a virus that is literally wiping swaths of the planet out of existence. Tavia is captured and imprisoned before she can act on this information, along with her eternal lover, Logan. Huddled in a claustrophobic cell, they lose track of the days, their attempts to escape proving as ephemeral as Tavia’s newly gestating powers. But then Tavia and Logan are mysteriously rescued. . . . They’re brought to the underground headquarters of the Curatoria, another group of Earthbounds that Tavia doesn’t fully trust. There, she’s told that she can save the Earth before it disappears. She agrees. Tavia quickly realizes that she isn’t like other Earthbound, and as her abilities continue to awaken, they begin to threaten her centuries-long relationship with Logan. When Benson—Tavia’s former best friend and romantic interest—appears at Curatoria headquarters, Tavia will again have to make a choice about who to be with even as she tries to stop the virus that is destroying the world and uncover the truth about the two Earthbound organizations that have her tangled up in their webs.
The title of this second book in the Earthbound series is apt, because the whole time I was reading it, it felt like the truth was shifting under my feet. Tavia begins this story in the hands of the Reduciata and things are less than pleasant, to put it lightly. The action ramps up almost from the very beginning and one threat is replaced by another, over and over again. Tavia’s relationship with Logan was really interesting to read about because while you would assume that being reunited with your internal lover would solve everything, just the opposite was true. Because of what Tavia learns about her condition, things get a lot more complicated. There were some really great surprises in Earthquake, which made it a page turner. While I enjoyed Earthbound, I think that Earthquake really moves the story along in a very satisfying way.
Earthbound really concentrated on world building and Earthquake did an excellent job of bringing more action, more turns, and a lot of pretty shocking moments to the series. As the mythology of the Earthbounds was revealed, I got a greater understanding of how the plot would unfold. It was like opening a really stressful, but fun, present. On top of the many twists and turns, was Tavia’s search for answers about lives she doesn’t remember. What she learns about herself makes her romantic decisions even harder, and although there is a love triangle, I thought it was well done and Tavia’s conflict seemed justified, given the circumstances. There were so many conflicts, in fact , that I had no idea who to trust, and that feeling will have to be suspended until we get the last book in this series. Earthquake was a fun and thrilling read and I am really looking forward to book three!
I think I’m gonna wait till the next book comes out and then read them back to back. The first book was interesting enough even if I wasn’t happy about the love triangle at all.
Great review, Kate!
Thank you so much for being on this tour Kate!!!
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Super excited to read this book!