I received this galley in consideration for an honest review.

Series: Burn For Burn #3
Published by Simon & Schuster on September 16, 2014
Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal

New Year’s Eve ended with a bang and Mary, Kat and Lillia may not be prepared for what is to come. After Rennie’s death, Kat and Lillia try to put the pieces together of what happened to her. They both blame themselves. If Lillia hadn’t left with Reeve… If Kat had only stayed with Rennie… Things could have been different. Now they will never be the same.Only Mary knows the truth about that night. About what she is. She also knows the truth about Lillia and Reeve falling in love, about Reeve being happy when all he deserves is misery, just like the misery he caused her. Now their childish attempts at revenge are a thing of the past and Mary is out for blood. Will she leave anything in her wake or will all that remain be ashes?
After the ending of Fire With Fire, I was more than a little anxious to begin the final installment in this fantastic series. Ashes To Ashes was full of drama and, yes, more than a little danger. Mary’s realization about herself turned her into someone to be reckoned with. While Kat and Lillia try to leave their desire for revenge behind, Mary isn’t so easily swayed. It was like all of the revenge-centered energy that Lillia and Kat abandoned was transferred to Mary, and she is determined to ruin lives. Meanwhile, Lillia and Kat both struggle with Rennie’s death, although in different ways and for different reasons. Lillia’s feelings are wrapped up in her messy romantic entanglements and her guilt about Rennie and Reeve. And then there’s Kat. Oh, how I love Kat. I found myself really, really loving her in this book. She was hilariously honest and all of her bravado hid a deep and sincere desire to get off of Jar Island and make the life she wants for herself. It’s always s good sign when I wish I knew a character in real life, and that’s how I felt with Kat. Whereas Lillia was often the voice of reason in the other books, Kat turned into the voice of reason on more than one occasion in this one.
The expert use of multiple points of view and the pacing remained just as strong in this book as it was in the first two. The character development really came into its own, and I loved how each voice truly brought a different perspective to the story. Ashes To Ashes went a little darker than I was expecting, but I loved it. Revenge is, by definition, a dark subject, so I was glad that this story didn’t shy away from that. The bitter-sweetness of the end was almost painfully perfect and I just loved the direction that the story went. Epilogues are always a bit controversial. Some (like me) love the extra insight into the “after” and others like to rely on their own headcanon for the characters, post-book. Ashes to Ashes does have an epilogue and I think it stayed perfectly in line with the tone of the book. Ashes to Ashes was a wholly satisfying conclusion to this series that was the perfect blend of contemporary and paranormal.
Ooh great review! The first book in this series is on its way to me now, I’ve been thinking about reading the Burn for Burn series for a while.
I need to read this series. This is one that is on my tbr pile.
I read the first book, I have the second book in my pile, and I need to get going and finish this trilogy!
Jen @ YA Romantics
I read and enjoyed the first and sounds like this was a good follow up
I still haven’t read the first two books yet and want to so bad! I keep forgetting to buy them when I go to the book store. I didn’t read your review but I did see that you gave this 5 birds, so clearly this book is amazing. I’ll come back to this once I read the others!